Donations for Durga Puja

$ 71.00 raised $ 1000000.00

সবিন​য়ে নিবেদন​,
মহাশ​য় / মহাশ​য়া, দূর্গাপূজার আয়োজনে আমরা আপনাদের সাহায্য়প্রার্থী। এই সার্বজনীন উৎসবকে সাফল্যমন্ডিত করে তুলতে আপনাদের অনুদান একান্ত কাম্য​। আপনাদের উৎসাহই আমাদের অনুপ্রেরণা।

Recent donations

Anonymous made a donation. INR 20.00

3 weeks ago

Anonymous made a donation. INR 10.00

3 weeks ago

Anonymous made a donation. INR 10.00

3 weeks ago

Anonymous made a donation. INR 10.00

3 weeks ago

Anonymous made a donation. INR 10.00

3 weeks ago

Anonymous made a donation. INR 10.00

3 weeks ago

Anonymous made a donation. USD 1.00

3 weeks ago

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How much of my donation goes to work?

100% of your donation will be used to plant more trees, and restore biodiversity.

How your donation makes a difference

Your donations go directly to relief organizations delivering life-saving aid at the front lines of the world’s most severe crises. With your help, they can reach the most vulnerable people with food, clean water, medicine, shelter and much more when they need it most.